Note: 本文最初于 2011年03月02日 星期三 18:07 在 发表。
思路:用Trie存字典,然后每次找出空余未知字母最少的一个单词(第一个单词找最长的比较好),Trie从顶向下搜索,遇到矛盾则退出,直到该单词确定,然后搜索下一个单词,直到所有单词都被确定或者No Solution。注意失败的时候还原现场的处理。当ans>1时直接退出输出More Solution。
Source Code
Problem: 1072 | User: lydliyudong | |
Memory: 17124K | Time: 360MS | |
Language: Pascal | Result: Accepted |
- Source Code
type dic=array['A'..'Z']of char; var trie:array[0..350000,'A'..'Z']of longint;{向下的指针} len:array[0..350000,0..20]of boolean; b:array[0..10000]of string;{待解密单词} key:array[0..10000]of boolean;{是否被解密过} d,f,v:dic;//字典 n,m,w,tot,l,ans,now,u:longint; s,st:ansistring; procedure sort; var i,j,k:longint; begin for i:=1 to w-1 do for j:=i+1 to w do if length(b[i])<length(b[j]) then begin st:=b[i]; b[i]:=b[j]; b[j]:=st; end; end; procedure insert(num,p:longint); begin len[num,l]:=true; if p=l+1 then exit; if trie[num,s[p]]<>0 then insert(trie[num,s[p]],p+1) else begin inc(tot); trie[num,s[p]]:=tot; insert(tot,p+1); end; end; procedure scanf; var j:longint; begin readln(s); while s<>'' do//读入处理 begin while s[length(s)]=' ' do delete(s,length(s),1); j:=2; while j<=length(s) do if (s[j]=' ')and(s[j-1]=' ') then delete(s,j-1,1) else inc(j); st:=''; for j:=1 to length(s) do if s[j]<>' ' then st:=st+s[j] else if s[j]=' ' then begin inc(w); b[w]:=st; st:=''; end;{else} inc(w); b[w]:=st; readln(s); end;{while} end; procedure scan; var i:longint; begin readln(n); for i:=1 to n do begin readln(s); l:=length(s); insert(0,1); end; readln(m); readln(s); end; function find:longint; var min,i,j,k:longint; begin min:=maxint; find:=0; for i:=1 to w do if not key[i] and(b[i]<>'') then begin k:=0; for j:=1 to length(b[i]) do if v[b[i,j]]='*' then inc(k); if k<min then begin min:=k; find:=i; end; end; end; procedure dfs(step,now,num,p,l:longint); var ch:char; red,rev:dic; k:longint; begin if step=w+1 then begin inc(ans); if ans=1 then f:=d; exit; end; if p=l+1 then begin k:=0; k:=find; key[k]:=true; dfs(step+1,k,0,1,length(b[k])); if ans>1 then exit; key[k]:=false; end; for ch:='A' to 'Z' do if len[trie[num,ch],l] and(trie[num,ch]<>0) then if ((d[ch]='*')or(d[ch]=b[now,p]))and((v[b[now,p]]='*')or(v[b[now,p]]=ch)) then begin red:=d; rev:=v; d[ch]:=b[now,p]; v[b[now,p]]:=ch; dfs(step,now,trie[num,ch],p+1,l); if ans>1 then exit; d:=red; v:=rev; end; end; procedure puzzle_out; var ch:char; i,j,max:longint; begin scan; for i:=1 to m do begin w:=0; scanf; sort; for ch:='A' to 'Z' do begin d[ch]:='*'; v[ch]:='*'; end; fillchar(key,sizeof(key),0); ans:=0; key[1]:=true; dfs(1,1,0,1,length(b[1])); if ans=0 then writeln('#No solution#'); if ans=2 then writeln('#More than one solution#'); if ans=1 then begin for ch:='A' to 'Z' do write(f[ch]); writeln; end; end;{for i} end; begin puzzle_out; end.
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