Note: 本文最初于 2011年 在 发表。
不要fillchar队列数组,我fillchar=tle, 不fillchar=235ms
Source Code
Problem: 2688 | User: lydliyudong | |
Memory: 2032K | Time: 235MS | |
Language: Pascal | Result: Accepted |
- Source Code
const dx:array[1..4]of integer=(-1,0,0,1); dy:array[1..4]of integer=(0,-1,1,0); a1:array[1..10]of integer=(1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128,256,512); a2:array[0..10]of integer=(0,1,3,7,15,31,63,127,255,511,1023); var q:array[0..1000000]of record x,y,dat,vis:integer; end; num:array[0..20,0..20]of byte; v:array[0..20,0..20,0..1024]of boolean; a:array[0..21,0..21]of char; n,m,i,j,tot,ans,sx,sy:integer; procedure scanf; begin for i:=0 to 21 do for j:=0 to 21 do a[i,j]:='x'; tot:=0; for i:=1 to n do begin for j:=1 to m do begin read(a[i,j]); if a[i,j]='o' then begin sx:=i; sy:=j; end; if a[i,j]='*' then begin inc(tot); num[i,j]:=tot; end; end; readln; end; end; procedure bfs; var l,r:longint; nx,ny,i:integer; begin fillchar(v,sizeof(v),0); l:=1; r:=1; q[1].x:=sx; q[1].y:=sy; v[sx,sy,0]:=true; while l<=r do begin for i:=1 to 4 do begin nx:=q[l].x+dx[i]; ny:=q[l].y+dy[i]; if (a[nx,ny]<>'x')and not v[nx,ny,q[l].vis] then begin inc(r); q[r].x:=nx; q[r].y:=ny; q[r].dat:=q[l].dat+1; q[r].vis:=q[l].vis; v[nx,ny,q[l].vis]:=true; if a[nx,ny]='*' then begin q[r].vis:=q[l].vis or a1[num[nx,ny]]; if q[r].vis=a2[tot] then begin ans:=q[r].dat; exit; end; end; end;//if end;//for i inc(l); end; end; begin repeat readln(m,n); if (n=0)and(m=0) then break; scanf; ans:=-1; bfs; writeln(ans); until seekeof; end.
Source Code
Problem: 2688 | User: lydliyudong | |
Memory: N/A | Time: N/A | |
Language: Pascal | Result: Time Limit Exceeded |
- Source Code
const dx:array[1..4]of integer=(-1,0,0,1); dy:array[1..4]of integer=(0,-1,1,0); a1:array[1..10]of integer=(1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128,256,512); a2:array[0..10]of integer=(0,1,3,7,15,31,63,127,255,511,1023); type rec=record x,y,dat:integer; end; heapqueue=record pos,dat,vis:longint; end; var a:array[0..21,0..21]of char; b:array[0..10]of rec; q:array[0..500]of rec; map:array[0..10,0..10]of integer; v:array[0..21,0..21]of boolean; num:array[0..21,0..21]of integer; f:array[0..1000000]of heapqueue; n,m,i,j,k,ans,tab,p:longint; procedure scanf; begin for i:=0 to 21 do for j:=0 to 21 do a[i,j]:='x'; k:=0; for i:=1 to n do begin for j:=1 to m do begin read(a[i,j]); if a[i,j]='o' then begin b[0].x:=i; b[0].y:=j; end; if a[i,j]='*' then begin inc(k); b[k].x:=i; b[k].y:=j; num[i,j]:=k; end; end; readln; end; end; procedure bfs(sx,sy,k:longint); var l,r,i,nx,ny:longint; begin fillchar(q,sizeof(q),0); fillchar(v,sizeof(v),0); l:=1; r:=1; q[1].x:=sx; q[1].y:=sy; v[sx,sy]:=true; if k=0 then tab:=0; while l<=r do begin for i:=1 to 4 do begin nx:=q[l].x+dx[i]; ny:=q[l].y+dy[i]; if (a[nx,ny]='*')and(not v[nx,ny]) then begin if k=0 then inc(tab); map[k,num[nx,ny]]:=q[l].dat+1; map[num[nx,ny],k]:=q[l].dat+1; if tab=k then exit; end; if (a[nx,ny]<>'x')and not v[nx,ny] then begin v[nx,ny]:=true; inc(r); q[r].x:=nx; q[r].y:=ny; q[r].dat:=q[l].dat+1; end;//if end;//for inc(l); end; end; procedure swap(var x,y:heapqueue); var z:heapqueue; begin z:=x; x:=y; y:=z; end; procedure insert; var i,t,now:longint; begin now:=f[1].vis; for i:=1 to k do begin if now and 1=0 then begin inc(p); f[p]:=f[1]; f[p].pos:=i; inc(f[p].dat,map[f[1].pos,i]); f[p].vis:=f[p].vis or a1[i]; t:=p; while t>1 do if f[t].dat<f[t div 2].dat then begin swap(f[t],f[t div 2]); t:=t div 2; end else break; end; now:=now shr 1; end; end; procedure heapify(l,r:longint); var t:longint; begin t:=2*l; while t<=r do begin if (t<r)and(f[t].dat>f[t+1].dat) then inc(t); if f[l].dat>f[t].dat then begin swap(f[l],f[t]); l:=t; t:=2*l; end else break; end; end; begin repeat readln(m,n); if (n=0)and(m=0) then break; fillchar(num,sizeof(num),0); scanf; if k=0 then begin writeln(0); continue; end; fillchar(map,sizeof(map),0); bfs(b[0].x,b[0].y,0); if tab<k then begin writeln(-1); continue; end else tab:=0; for i:=1 to k do bfs(b[i].x,b[i].y,i); ans:=-1; fillchar(f,sizeof(f),0); p:=1; while p>=1 do begin if f[1].vis=a2[k] then begin writeln(f[1].dat); break; end; insert; f[1]:=f[p]; dec(p); heapify(1,p); end; until false; end.