Note: 本文最初于 2011年02月24日 星期四 22:10 在 发表。
P.S. 这道题整整纠结了大约6个小时……我最终发现狂TLE的原因是:BFS前对队列进行了清零操作!!!由于我开的队列为100万,每次清零花费了巨大的时间,于是去掉这句话立刻<500ms……
Source Code
Problem: 3635 | User: lydliyudong | |
Memory: 12916K | Time: 516MS | |
Language: Pascal | Result: Accepted |
- Source Code
type rec=record cost,oil,num:longint; end; var a,b,d:array[0..1000,-1..1001]of longint; c:array[0..1001]of longint; q:array[0..1000000]of rec; n,m,x,y,z,i,s,e,t,ques:longint; function max(x,y:longint):longint; begin if x>y then exit(x) else exit(y); end; procedure insert(p:longint); var z:rec; begin z:=q[p]; while p>1 do if z.cost<q[p>>1].cost then begin q[p]:=q[p>>1]; p:=p>>1; end else break; q[p]:=z; end; procedure heapify(l,r:longint); var t:longint; z:rec; begin t:=l<<1; z:=q[l]; while t<=r do begin if (t<r)and(q[t].cost>q[t+1].cost) then inc(t); if z.cost>q[t].cost then begin q[l]:=q[t]; l:=t; t:=l<<1; end else break; end; q[l]:=z; end; procedure bfs; var i,j,p,u,o,v,k:longint; begin p:=1; d[s,0]:=0; q[1].num:=s; q[1].cost:=0; q[1].oil:=0; while (p>=1)and(q[1].num<>e) do begin u:=q[1].num; o:=q[1].oil; if (o<t)and(q[1].cost+c[u]<d[u,o+1]) then begin d[u,o+1]:=q[1].cost+c[u]; inc(p); q[p].num:=u; q[p].oil:=o+1; q[p].cost:=q[1].cost+c[u]; insert(p); end; for i:=1 to b[u,0] do begin v:=b[u,i]; j:=o-a[u,v]; if (j>=0)and(q[1].cost<d[v,j]) then begin d[v,j]:=q[1].cost; inc(p); q[p].num:=v; q[p].oil:=j; q[p].cost:=q[1].cost; insert(p); end;//if end;//for q[1]:=q[p]; dec(p); heapify(1,p); end;//while end; begin readln(n,m); for i:=0 to n-1 do read(c[i]); readln; for i:=1 to m do begin readln(x,y,z); a[x,y]:=z; a[y,x]:=z; inc(b[x,0]); b[x,b[x,0]]:=y; inc(b[y,0]); b[y,b[y,0]]:=x; end; readln(ques); for i:=1 to ques do begin readln(t,s,e); if s=e then writeln(0) else begin fillchar(d,sizeof(d),127); bfs; if d[e,0]>=maxlongint>>1 then writeln('impossible') else writeln(d[e,0]); end; end; end.
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